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At work, we constantly have opportunities to advocate for ourselves. Tap into your personal power

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When we use our competence, confidence and ethical behaviour to inspire others and influence outcomes, we are using our personal power. This is both a skill and an art. Every interaction, decision and relationship in our professional lives offers us an opportunity to advocate for ourselves, shape outcomes positively and navigate the complex dynamics that define our careers.
Yet, harnessing this power requires more than just ambition; it demands a proficiency in assertive yet respectful advocacy – an optimum combination of open, honest communication and an awareness of where professional boundaries lie. If you are a professional looking to tap into your personal power to advance your career, then it will serve you well to consider three important things.
Communicate with openness and transparency
To effectively leverage your personal power within the workplace, it is critical that you communicate with openness and transparency. If you do this well and consistently, you will foster trust, making you more approachable and reliable, and thus amplifying your ability to influence and inspire. You can do this in several ways:
Establish and respect boundaries
Recognizing and respecting professional boundaries is essential for your personal power to continue to prevail. This can take two forms:
Use your emotional intelligence
Your emotional intelligence (EI) plays a pivotal role in strengthening your personal power to improve workplace relationships. When you understand your own emotions and how they influence actions and decisions, you project confidence and control. When you recognize and relate to the emotions of the people you work with, you are more compassionate. Overall trust and collaboration are furthered and you build rapport and strong bonds. Here are two ideas for elevating your EI:
Harnessing your personal power is not just about advancing your own success; it is about transforming the way you engage with the world around you. If you are deliberate and thoughtful in how you use this ability, you can transform your professional interactions and lead with confidence.
Merge Gupta-Sunderji is a speaker, author, mentor to senior leaders, and the chief executive officer of the leadership development consultancy Turning Managers Into Leaders.
